Our 2011 Italy-France Trip

A great trip. The planning paid off, we stayed at exceptional places, saw lots of interest, and we think were able to enjoy the life of each area.

There were four segments.

First Karen and I rented a convertible and celebrated her 60th birthday by driving along the Italian Riviera.

Then a group of good friends met in a fabulous house we rented for a week. Mas St. Jean was exceptional.

Then the large group split and we travelled through the Dordogne, Brittany and the Loire with our friends Chris and Carmen Grant.

The last five days were in Paris. We had a wonderful apartment and it was a great way to end the holiday.

Hopefully we captured some of the highlights, follow the links at the top of the page.

Glenn & Karen

NoliGreat Trip

Our trip with a week in Italy, and then travelling through France was absolutely great.

All the places we had booked turned out to be just great. The group event at Mas St. Jean brought together great friends. In Brittany, we also visited with good friends we made over 20 years ago on a trip to France. The final week in Paris was a great way to top off the vacation.

Super VoyageSuper Voyage

Notre voyage d'une semaine en Italie, puis voyager à travers la France était absolument génial.

Il sud della Francia, Dordogne, Bretagna e Loira erano tutte le aree incantevole. Naturalmente, è stato fantastico essere di nuovo a Parigi.

Alassio ItalyGrande Viaggio

Il nostro viaggio con una settimana in Italia, e poi in viaggio attraverso la Francia era assolutamente fantastica.

Noi abbiamo sempre amato Alassio. Migliore spiaggia d'Italia.

Quest'anno abbiamo scoperto Genova. Grande città. Visiteremo di nuovo.